Greenlees park couch turf is a semi-dwarf grass that thrives best in tropical, subtropical, and temperate climates. The soft fine-leaved turf is dark green in colour and has high shoot density.
Its aesthetics, wide adaptation, and dense growth make it a popular turf for a variety of areas including parks, residential lawns, sports fields, and roadside drains.
Scientific Classification
- Domain: Eukaryota
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Phylum: Spermatophyta
- Subphylum: Angiospermae
- Class: Monocotyledonae
- Order: Cyperales
- Family: Poaceae
- Genus: Cynodon
- Species: Cynodon dactylon
- Common Names: Greenleaf park and Greenlees park couch
Nativity and Distribution
Greenlees Park was the first couch grass bred in Australia in the 1960s. Today, it’s mostly found in areas like North Queensland and New South Wales.
Physical Characteristics
- Leaves: Soft fine leaves
- Roots: Fibrous root system
Greenlees park couch is a warm-season grass that thrives best in warmer climates hence its popularity in North Queensland. It is easily recognized for its soft feet feel and deep green-coloured leaves.
The grass has a high shoot density, and its rapid stoloniferous horizontal growth makes it a firm and dense turf.

While it’s hardwearing and does best in full sun, it can tolerate light shade up to 20% and a small amount of dampness.
It has moderate tolerance to cold conditions and goes dormant early in winter while maintaining some aesthetic green colour.
Reproduction/Dispersal/Life Cycle
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Climate: Subtropical, tropical, and temperate
Like many Cynodon dactylon members, it behaves as a perennial. The turf does well in loam soils with a preferable pH of 5.0 to 7.5.
High seed head production occurs in low fertility conditions, while low production is observed when the turf is well-fertilized.
Once established, regular fertilizing and mowing are required to keep it healthy. A weekly mowing of about 10-15mm in summer and every two weeks in winter is recommended.
Greenlees Park Couch is used as a green in residential and commercial landscapes, parks, bowling greens, roadsides, golf courses, and other sports fields.
The grass has a deep fibrous root system and aggressive surface growth, overtaking other native plants.
- Natural methods: Dig up the grass using a tiller or a sod cutter and cut under the turf. Roll the sod upside down and move it to another location or leave it to compost.
- Chemical control: Apply a non-selective herbicide like glyphosate on the grass and allow it to die before removing it.

Lead Editor for Insight Weeds.