Using Rock Salt As a Natural Weed Killer For Gravel Areas

When you think of rock salt, an icy driveway quickly comes to mind. Rock salt is the go-to solution for clearing ice on steps, paths, driveways, and roads. 

Many homeowners also use rock salt as a proactive measure to prevent these areas from icing over, allowing for easier snow removal.

But did you know that rock salt is also a natural weed killer

It is one of the most natural and effective home remedies for killing weeds in gravel areas.

Are you curious how to go about it? Read on.

How to Use Rock Salt As a Weed Killer

Here are the two ways you can use rock salt for weed removal on gravel paths and driveways.

1. Sprinkling Rock Salt

Sprinkle rock salt on the base of the plants on the gravel pavement or driveway and wait for a few days. The salt will desiccate the weds, eventually killing them. 

The salt remains active on the gravel surface and leaches into the soil, causing high nutrient imbalance, so you don’t have to worry about weed regrowth. 

2. Spraying a Rock Salt Solution

Mix one cup of rock salt with one gallon of hot water (for easy dissolving). Put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray on the gravel weeds. 

READ ALSO:  How to get rid of burdock weeds in 5 easy ways

Repeat the treatment after a few days for the best results. 


Rock salt is a fast and inexpensive method for removing many weeds, including crabgrass and other broadleaf weeds

The next time you buy rock salt for ice removal, save some to help you eradicate weeds on the gravel areas around the home.